Academia Méndez Núñez

What’s your English level?

We encourage everyone that wants to do an English course with us to check their level first using this online test provided by the University of Cambridge. By doing this test we’ll be able to assign you to the correct group in our academy.

Check your level

Basic level, needed to get a good base and control the fundamentals of English. The goal is to be able to communicate basic needs and understand relevant frequently used expressions (personal and family information, local geography, etc.)

Intermediate level, enables you to graduate from university. With this, you’ll be able to get by in the common situations experienced when you travel, express your opinions and deal with daily life.

Upper intermediate level, enables you to speak more fluently in academic and professional situations. Allows you to apply for bilingual civil service positions and is taken into account when doing public exams. You’ll be able to communicate with ease in everyday situations.

Advanced level, enables you to function independently in almost any situation. Provides you with a high level of fluency and precision, permitting you to communicate on a wide range of topics. Improves your career prospects enormously, both in Spain and abroad.