Academia Méndez Núñez

If you’re 25, or will be in the year of the exam, you can take these exams to apply for different university degrees.

One of the things our academy specialises in is classes to help people prepare for the various university entrance exams. With our many years of experience in this area, we have a plethora of study materials and hundreds of exam papers from previous years. This, combined with our excellent teachers, means you’ll be well prepared for the exam – you’ll have the perfect selection of tools at your fingertips.

This exam only happens once a year and normally takes place in April. Registration is usually in March, at the Pavilion of Brazil or the General Registry of the Rector’s Office.

Requirements to do the University Entrance Exam for Over 25s

People who are already eligible to enter university for another reason (University Entrance Exams, a higher vocational training degree, having passed the pre-university course and maturity tests) cannot take these exams. Get in touch with us for more information or if you have any questions.

Each degree has its own requirements in terms of the number of places allocated to each type of entrance exam and marks required to get onto the course. This information is all published on the university website and can be found here.

Do you have any questions? Contact Us