Academia Méndez Núñez

At our academy we’re proud to have helped over twenty thousand students get onto their dream university degree.

We’ve been offering courses to prepare for the university entrance exams for over 25 years now and adapting ourselves to best fit our students’ situations. You can choose between a course that runs throughout the academic year to help with your weakest subjects, a summer course, or the intensive courses right before the exams in June and July.

Study with Méndez Núñez Academy

Having a good understanding of the subjects that will affect your university entrance exam marks is essential to getting onto the university degree that you want. At our academy we’re with you for every step of the journey to achieve your goal.

We have test papers from previous years so you can practise and revise the areas that are most likely to appear in the exam, and we’ll help you get into the routine of studying for this important moment in your academic life.

We offer the best service to our students, with courses planned so as to make the most of your time during the academic year and in the summer. As always, the teaching staff at our centre evaluate each student’s progress to help monitor and motivate them and thus ensure they’re progressing.

There are certain times of year like Easter, Feria and Christmas when it’s impossible to continue the normal structure of classes as many students are unable to attend. However, our academy remains open at those times and we provide a different special service: study rooms. These are supervised by the teachers and especially tailored to the students needs, revising previously studied topics students have problems with and helping with any questions or doubts.

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